Рохан (Rohan)
Рохан был домом Рохиррим - суровой расы Людей, известных своей любовью к лошадям. Эти земли когда-то были частью Гондора, но были подарены Рохиррим, когда Эорл Юный привёл Людей севера на помощь в борьбе Гондора против захватчиков. Рохан оставался верным союзником Гондора, и во время Войны за Кольцо в Битву на Пеленнорских Полях.
Земли Рохана в основном были открытыми зелёными полями, идеальными для выращивания лошадей. Они протянулись примерно на 300 миль с севера на юг, и на столько же с востока на запад. Река Светлима была северной границей Рохана, а Белые Горы южной. Андуин формировал восточную границу вплоть до Эмин Муиля, где возвышались скалы, называемые Восточной Стеной Рохана. Дальше граница изгибалась к юго-западу вдоль устья Энтавы и реки Меринг. Тут проходила граница между Роханом и Гондором.
На западных границах Рохана располагался лес Фангорн и Врата Рохана у южного конца Туманных Гор. Айзенгард располагался с северной стороны Врат, Хельмова Падь охраняла южную сторону.
Часть Рохана, простирающаяся на запад от Врат Рохана, ограничивалась реками Айзен и Адорн. Этот регион назывался Западным Рубежом. Западный Рубеж часто оккупировался Людьми из Дунланда - региона к западу от Туманных Гор - или народами смешанных кровей, родичей дунландцев.
Река Энтава вытекала из Фангорна и текла к Андуину. Она делила Рохан на две огромные равнины Истэмнет и Вестэмнет. Огромные табуны лошадей паслись на этих травянистых полях, оберегаемые Людьми, жившими в шатрах вокруг. Возле Энтавы в Вестэмнете были болота и пруды, и местами трава достигала ног всадника. Земля Истэмнета была твёрже. Через Истэмнет проходила главная дорога на север. В северной части Истэмнета были холмы. Севернее холмов находился регион, называемый Волд.
Основная часть населения Рохана обитала в южной части страны, в лесных долинах Белых Гор. Столица Эдорас, где в Золотом Зале Медусельда, находилась на холме близ входа в долину Харроудейл. В Харроудейле находились две небольшие деревни Андерхарроу и Апбурн. Крепость Дунхарроу возвышалась на восточной стороне долины. Горы позади Дунхарроу вели к входу на (Paths of the Dead). Река Снаубурн вытекала из Харроудейла и впадала в Энтаву.
К западу от Снаубурна находился регион, называемый Вестфолд, где было множество небольши поселений. Крепость Хельмова Падь располагалась в Вестфолде в Долине Пади близ Врат Рохана. Немногие люди посещали северную часть Вестфолда близ Айзенгарда и Фангорна.
К востоку от Снаубурна находился небольшой регион, называемый Фолде. Фолде считался центром Рохана, потому что Короли и члены их семей жили здесь. Эдорас находился в Фолде, как и другой город, в котором жили короли, Альдбург.
Истфолд лежал между Фолде и Фенмарком. Фенмарком называли болотистый регион вдоль реки Меринг на границе Гондора и Рохана. Часть леса Фириэн находилась на роханском берегу Меринга. Остальной лес технически был в Гондоре, но со временем стал считаться частью Рохана.
Великий Западный Тракт шёл из Гондора вдоль Белых Гор к Вратам Рохана. Там он соединялся с Северо-Южным Трактом, ведущим в Эриадор. Дорога пересекала Снаубурун перед вратами Эдораса.
В военном плане Рохан был разделён на Западную Марку и Восточную Марку. Реки Энтава и Снаубурн служили границей между ними. Военными силами Рохана командовали три Маршала Марки. Первый Маршал командовал войсками Эдораса и окружающих земель, включая Харроудейл. Второй Маршал командовал войсками Западной или Восточной Марки, в зависимости от того, где была сильнее угроза. Третий Маршал командовал оставшимся регионом. После Войны за Кольцо, Король Эомер упразднил эту систему рангов, заменив её на два равных звания - Маршал Восточной Марки и Маршал Западной Марки.
Люди Рохана были потомками северян. Северяне происходили из такой же древней расы Людей, как Эдайн. Но когда Эдайн ушли в Белерианд, северяне остались в Дикоземье. Северяне в основном жили у восточного края Темнолесья и пасли своих лошадей между лесом и Рекой Бегущей.
В 3320 году Второй Эпохи выжившие из Нуменора основали Гондор. Северяне стали их союзниками, потому что приходились им дальними родичами. Примерно в 1250 году Третьей Эпохи, Король Гондора Валакар, сын Ромендакиля II, женился на Видумави, дочери Видугавиа, самого влиятельного лидера северян. Их сын Эльдакар стал Королём Гондора. Но некоторые гондорцы были недовольны его смешанным происхождением, что в результате привело к гражданской войне, известной как Распря Родичей. Эльдакар был изгнан на десять лет, но вернул трон в 1447 году и возобновил союз с северянами.
Зимой 1635 года Великая Чума пришла с востока, и многие из северян и их лошадей погибли. Чума распространилась на Гондор, значительно сократив его население. В части Гондора, называемой Каленардон - которая позже стала Роханом - многие погибли, а оставшиеся переселились оттуда в другие регионы.
В 1851 году враги с востока, называемые Наездники на Колесницах атаковали северян и Гондор. Мархари, потомок Видугавиа, привёл северян на помощь войскам Гондора в Битве на Равнинах в 1856. Но гондорцы были вынуждены отступить, а многие из северян были убиты, взяты в плен или разогнаны.
После поражения северян сын Мархари Мархвини увёл группу выживших вдоль Андуина, чтобы жить между между Ирисной и Карроком, в основном на западном берегу реки. Они назвали себя Эотеод, "Народ лошадей".
Эотеод обновили союз с Гондором. В 1899 году Мархвини и Эотеод помогли Королю Калимехтару предотвратить ещё одно нашествие Наездников на Колесницах. Мархвини также пытался помочь северянам, которые всё ещё находились в рабстве у Наездников, но безуспешно.
В следующем веке Эотеод вновь беспокоили Наездники, совершавшие рейды вверх по Андуину с юга и через Темнолесье с востока. Сын Мархвини Фортвини предупредил Короля Гондора Ондохера, что Наездники прегеруппируются. Всадники Эотеод присоединились к гондорцам в битве против Наездников на Колесницах. Король Ондохер пал в бою, но Эарниль победил Наездников в Битве у Лагеря и стал Королём Гондора.
В 1977 году Эотеод совершили переселение. Им нужно было больше свободного пространства для возросшего количества людей и лошадей. Кроме того, их беспокоило присутствие зла в крепости Дол Гулдур в Темнолесье, где, тайно от всех, жил Саурон. Фрумгар увёл Эотеод на север в новый дом.
Новые земли Эотеод находились у истоков Андуина. Реки Грейлин и Лэнгвелл образовывали Андуин у южных границ их земель. С западной границы находились Туманные Горы, а на востоке - Лесная река. На севере были Серые горы. Укреплённый город Фрамсбург был построен на слиянии Лэнгвелла и Грейлина.
Хотя Король-Чародей Ангмара потерпел поражение в 1975 году, остатки его сил всё ещё угрожали землям к востоку от Туманных Гор. Эотеод убивали или изгоняли зло из своих земель. Сын Фрумгара Фрам победил Змея Скату в Серых горах, и эти земли обрели свободу от Драконов на долгие годы. Но Фрам забрал сокровища Дракона. Часть этих сокровищ некогда принадлежала Гномам. Они оспорили право Фрама на скоровища, что привело к вражде между двумя народами.
Примерно в 2501 году Леод, лидер Эотеод, захватил дикого коня, но погиб, пытаясь объездить его. Сын Леода Эорл приручил коня и назвал его Феларофом. От Феларофа произошла великолепная порода лошадей, называемая Меарас, которые верно служили потомкам Эорла.
Эорлу было только 16, когда он унаследовал титул лидера Эотеод. К этому времени население и численность лошадей приумножились. Эотеод нуждались в новых землях, но не имели возможности куда-либо переселяться.
25 марта 2510 года прибыл всадник по имени Борондир с посланием для Эорла от Кириона, Наместника Гондора. Кирион просил помочь Гондору против нашествия Людей из Рун, называемых Балхот. Эорл согласился, потому что знал, что в случае падения Гондора, всё Средиземье вскоре будет завоёвано.
Эорл собрал совет старейшин и подготовился ехать на войну. Несколько сотен солдат остались охранять земли Эотеод, где остались женщины, дети и старики. Эорл собрал огромное эохере - конное войско - 7.000 вооружённых всадников и несколько сотен лучников. Они начали пятисотмильное путешествие 6 апреля.
Когда войско проезжало мимо Дол Гулдура, белый туман пришёл с другого берега Андуина, из лесов Лотлориэна. Туман отбросил тень из Дол Гулдура и спрятал всадников от вражеских сил. Борондир предположил, что так Галадриэль, Леди Лотлориэна, помогла Эотеод.
15 апреля всадники прибыли на Поле Келерант и обнаружили армию Гондора в беде. Балхот заполонили Каленардон к югу от Светлимы и разгромили гондорцев в Волде. Гондорцы отступили за Светлиму, где на них неожиданно напали Орки Туманных Гор.
Эорл и его всадники прибыли вовремя и сумели повернуть ход Битвы на Поле Келебрант. Они атаковали врага с тыла и отбросили его за Светлиму. Всадники Эотеод преследовали противника через поля Каленардона до тех пор, пока не изгнали и не уничтожили всех.
После битвы Эорл встретил Кириона на Халифириэне, Холме Благоговения в лесу Фириэн на границе между Каленардоном и Гондором. В качестве награды за помощь Кирион подарил Эотеод земли Каленардона, опустошённые после чумы, имиграции и войны. В благодарность Эорл принёс клятву оставаться союзником Гондора и прийти к нему на помощь в час нужды. Дар Кириона и Клятва Эорла оставались в действии до возвращения Короля Гондора.
Эорл вернулся на север, чтобы собрать свой народ и убедить их последовать в новый дом.
The new land of the Eotheod came to be called Rohan - meaning "Land of Horses" - and the people were called the Rohirrim - meaning "Horse-lords." They called themselves the Eorlingas in honor of Eorl, and they called their land the Mark of the Riders or the Riddermark or simply the Mark.
Eorl was the first King of the Mark. He ruled for 35 years, from 2510 to 2545. Eorl chose the hill at the entrance to the valley of Harrowdale in the White Mountains as the site for the capital city of Edoras. But the Golden Hall of Meduseld was not built in his lifetime, and he dwelled at Aldburg in the Folde.
The Easterlings launched a series of attacks along the Anduin and in the Emyn Muil on Rohan's eastern border. In 2545, Eorl was killed in battle with the Easterlings in the Wold. He was buried in a mound at the foot of the hill where Edoras stood.
Eorl was succeeded by his son Brego. Brego drove the Easterlings out of the Wold. He also began to push back the Dunlendings - a race of Men from west of the Misty Mountains who had infiltrated Rohan over the River Isen.
Meduseld was built during Brego's reign. The great hall was completed in 2569. At the celebratory feast, Brego's son Baldor announced that he intended to enter the Paths of the Dead. Brego and Baldor had found the Dark Door while exploring Harrowdale, and they had met an old man who told them that the tunnels beyond were haunted by the Dead. Baldor entered the Paths of the Dead in 2570 and never returned. Brego died of grief shortly afterwards.
Brego's second son Aldor became King. He was known as Aldor the Old, and he had the longest reign of any King of Rohan - 75 years from 2570 to 2645. Aldor drove out the last of the Dunlendings, who came to hate the Rohirrim. During Aldor's reign, the population of Rohan increased and the Rohirrim settled in the valleys of the White Mountains including Harrowdale.
Aldor's son Frea was old when he became King and he ruled only 14 years until 2659. Frea was followed by his son Freawine, who in turn was succeeded by his son Goldwine. Rohan was peaceful and prosperous during this time.
Deor, son of Goldwine, became king in 2699. During his reign, the Dunlendings began to raid the Westfold to steal horses. Many came across the River Isen, but it soon became apparent some Dunlendings had made settlements in the northern part of the Westfold near Fangorn and Isengard. In 2710, Deor led a force to the northern Westfold and defeated an army of Dunlendings.
Deor proceeded to Isengard and found that it was occupied by Dunlendings. The stronghold belonged to Gondor, but over time the Gondorian chieftains who guarded it had died out and had been succeeded by chieftains of mixed blood who were friendly to the Dunlendings. The few remaining guards had been killed, and the Dunlendings occupied the Ring of Isengard. Deor sent to Gondor for aid, but no help could be spared. The Rohirrim did not have the resources to retake Isengard, so Deor set up a guard of Riders to keep watch in the northern Westfold. Deor was succeeded by his son Gram in 2718.
Helm, son of Gram, became King of Rohan in 2741. Rohan was invaded by the Dunlendings during his reign. A Man of Rohan named Freca, who had Dunlendish blood, began to expand his own domain on the border between Rohan and Dunland in defiance of the King's rule. At a council meeting in 2754, Freca sought a marriage between his son Wulf and King Helm's daughter. Helm refused, and when Freca became enraged and insulted the King, Helm slew him with one blow from his mighty fist. Thus he became known as Helm Hammerhand.
Freca's son Wulf led the Dunlendings to invade Rohan four years later in 2758. The Dunlendings were aided by the Corsairs, who had launched a massive assault against Gondor at the same time. Rohan was also invaded by enemies from the East.
The Dunlendings overran Rohan and captured Edoras. Helm's son Haleth died defending the doors of Meduseld, and Wulf sat on the throne in the Golden Hall. Helm was driven back from the Crossings of the Isen to the stronghold in the Deeping-coomb that became known as Helm's Deep. Many other Rohirrim took refuge there and in other valleys of the White Mountains, including Harrowdale where Helm's nephew Frealaf defended the stronghold of Dunharrow.
The Long Winter began in November of 2758 and lasted five months until March of 2759. The Rohirrim were starving and desperate, besieged in their strongholds. Helm's son Hama died on a sortie from Helm's Deep, and Helm himself froze to death on Helm's Dike.
When spring came, Frealaf led a force from Dunharrow and reclaimed Edoras. Frealaf slew Wulf and the Rohirrim drove the Dunlendings out of Rohan. The melting snow caused flooding around the Mouths of the Entwash, and the invaders from the East withdrew. Gondor was at last able to send aid to Rohan. That same year Beren, the Steward of Gondor, gave the stronghold of Isengard to Saruman, believing that the Wizard's presence would help protect Rohan against invasion in the future.
Frealaf, son of Helm's sister Hild, was the first of the Second Line of Kings of Rohan. Saruman attended his coronation and brought many gifts. Rohan began to slowly recover from the effects of the war and the Long Winter.
Frealaf's son Brytta succeeded him in 2798. Brytta was a popular king and was known as Leofa, the Beloved. He was generous and helpful to those in need. During his reign, Rohan was troubled by Orcs who had fled to the White Mountains from the Misty Mountains after the Battle of Azanulbizar against the Dwarves. When Brytta died in 2842, it was thought that the Orcs had been routed from the White Mountains, but Brytta's son Walda was killed by Orcs near Dunharrow only nine years later in 2851.
Walda was succeeded by Folca, who continued to hunt Orcs in the White Mountains until the last of them were cleared out in 2864. After he completed his task, Folca hunted boar in the Firien Wood. He slew the Great Boar of Everholt but was wounded by its tusks and died.
During the reign of Folca's son Folcwine, Rohan finally recovered its full strength and prosperity. Folcwine reclaimed the west-march between the Rivers Adorn and Isen from the Dunlendings.
Under King Folcwine, Rohan's military forces were reorganized. The full muster of the Rohirrim - called the eohere - was reckoned to consist of 100 companies. Each company - or eored - had at least 120 Riders. Thus the full strength of the eohere was at least 12,000 Riders at this time.
In 2885, Folcwine fulfilled the Oath of Eorl by sending troops to help Gondor fight an invading army of Haradrim. The combined forces of Gondor and Rohan were victorious, but Folcwine's twin sons Folcred and Fastred were killed. They were buried together in a single mound on the shores of the River Poros in Ithilien, and Turin II, the Steward of Gondor, sent gold to Folcwine as a compensation for their sacrifice.
In 2903, Folcwine was succeeded by his third son Fengel, who was the least popular King of Rohan. He was greedy and he fought with his marshals and his children. His son Thengel left home and went to Gondor, where he served the Steward Turgon with distinction. Thengel married Morwen of Lossarnach in 2943 and they had four daughters and one son, Theoden.
Thengel returned to Rohan after his father's death in 2953. He was reluctant to leave Gondor, and he continued to use the language of Gondor in his household, but he ruled Rohan well and wisely.
During Thengel's reign, Saruman declared himself Lord of Isengard. Saruman had secretly made alliances with the Dunlendings and had built an army of Orcs, including a particularly strong kind known as the Uruk-hai which could withstand sunlight. The Uruk-hai began to raid Rohan, though the Rohirrim did not realize at first that they came from Isengard.
Orcs from Mordor in Sauron's service also began to cross the Anduin to steal horses - especially black ones to be used as steeds for the Nazgul. In 3002, Eomund of Eastfold - the husband of Thengel's daughter Theodwyn - was slain by Orcs in the Emyn Muil. Theodwyn died soon after. Their children, Eomer and Eowyn, went to live at Meduseld with their uncle Theoden, who had become King in 2980.
Early in Theoden's reign, he was strong and vital and well loved by his people. But by 3014, Theoden had become physically frail and was dependent upon his counsellor Grima. Unknown to the Rohirrim, Grima was in the service of Saruman. Grima used his persuasiveness, possibly combined with poisons, to weaken Theoden and thereby weaken Rohan's defenses.
Gandalf the Grey came to Rohan in September of 3018 to warn King Theoden that Saruman was a traitor, but Theoden - under Grima's influence - sent the Wizard away. Soon afterwards, Saruman began to act openly on his plan to conquer Rohan. He claimed lordship over Rohan's lands and closed the Gap of Rohan to the Rohirrim and sent companies of Uruk-hai across Rohan's borders.
Theoden's son Theodred and nephew Eomer assumed command of Rohan's defenses. Saruman perceived them as a threat. Theodred was killed by Saruman's forces at the First Battle of the Fords of Isen on February 25, 3019. Grima tried to discredit Eomer by implying that he was power-hungry and disloyal to King Theoden.
When Eomer learned that a company of Uruk-hai had descended into Rohan from the Emyn Muil, Grima convinced Theoden to refuse permission to pursue them. But Eomer suspected an alliance between Saruman and Sauron, and he defied orders and led his eored in pursuit. Eomer and his Riders attacked and slew the Uruk-hai at the edge of Fangorn Forest on February 29. Unknown to the Riders, Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took - two Hobbits who had been prisoners of the Uruk-hai - escaped into the forest.
The next day, Eomer encountered Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, who had pursued the Uruk-hai across Rohan to try to rescue the Hobbits. Eomer learned that Aragorn was the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor, and he decided to let the three strangers continue on their way though this was against orders. Eomer was imprisoned on his return to Edoras.
On March 2, Gandalf came to Edoras with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. Gandalf freed King Theoden from Grima's influence, and Theoden decided to ride to war against Saruman's forces. He led forth a host of Riders from the Muster of Edoras.
That same day, Saruman unleashed his great army of 10,000 Orcs as well as Men of Dunland from Isengard. The vanguard of the army encountered resistance at the Fords of Isen led by Grimbold and Elfhelm. The Rohirrim were defeated at the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen, and the survivors were scattered.
After Saruman's army left Isengard, the stronghold was attacked by Ents from Fangorn Forest led by Treebeard. The Ents destroyed Isengard and imprisoned Saruman in the Tower of Orthanc.
When Theoden learned of the defeat at the Fords of Isen and the approach of Saruman's great army, the King led his forces to the stronghold of Helm's Deep. Saruman's army advanced through the Westfold, killing and burning as they came. They besieged the Rohirrim during the Battle of Helm's Deep on the night of March 3-4.
At dawn on March 4, King Theoden led a charge from Helm's Deep. At the same time, Gandalf arrived with 1,000 of Men of the Westfold and their lord Erkenbrand. Saruman's army fled into a forest of Huorns sent by Treebeard and were never seen again.
After confronting Saruman at Isengard, King Theoden went to Harrowdale to oversee the Muster of the Rohirrim. A messenger from Gondor named Hirgon brought news that Sauron was preparing to attack. Hirgon carried the Red Arrow - a symbol that Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, was calling upon the Rohirrim to fulfill the Oath of Eorl. On March 10, Theoden led a force of 6,000 Riders forth from Harrowdale. About 4,000 were left behind to guard Rohan.
On March 12, an army of Orcs from Dol Guldur entered the Wold of Rohan after trying unsuccessfully to invade Lothlorien. The Ents confronted them, killing most of the Orcs and driving the rest into the Anduin.
King Theoden and the Rohirrim arrived at the Pelennor Fields around Minas Tirith at dawn on March 15. They found the city besieged by Sauron's army. The Rohirrim charged onto the battlefield and engaged the Enemy forces.
The Lord of the Nazgul was distracted by the arrival of the Rohirrim just as he was about to enter the gates of Minas Tirith. He mounted his Fell Beast and flew to attack the Rohirrim. King Theoden was killed, and his niece Eowyn and esquire Merry Brandybuck slew the Lord of the Nazgul.
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields was won by the combined forces of Rohan and Gondor. Upon Theoden's death, his nephew Eomer became the first of the Third Line of Kings of Rohan. King Eomer attended the meeting of the Captains of the West on March 16 and agreed to lead the Rohirrim to the Black Gate of Mordor in order to give Frodo Baggins time to fulfill his quest to destroy the One Ring.
Three thousand Rohirrim led by Elfhelm were sent to the Great West Road to battle the Enemy forces that remained in Gondor. King Eomer led 1,000 Rohirrim - 500 mounted and 500 on foot - to the Black Gate. On March 25, the forces of Rohan and Gondor fought Sauron's army in the Battle of the Morannon until the One Ring was destroyed and Sauron was utterly defeated.
At the victory celebration on the Field of Cormallen, King Eomer joined in honoring Frodo Baggins and his companion Sam Gamgee. On May 1, King Eomer attended the coronation of Aragorn as King of the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor. Eomer and Aragorn remained friends, and Rohan and Gondor remained allies. Eomer accompanied Aragorn to Halifirien where they renewed the Oath of Eorl and the Gift of Cirion.
Eomer and the Rohirrim frequently accompanied Aragorn into the lands of the East and South were enemies formerly in Sauron's service still roamed. Eomer created the position of Underking to rule Rohan in the King's absence or to lead the Rohirrim into battle in place of the King. This was usually the King's heir.
Eomer married Lothiriel, the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. His son and heir was Elfwine the Fair. Eomer's sister Eowyn married Faramir, the Steward of Gondor and Prince of Ithilien.
Eomer ruled Rohan until his death in 63 of the Fourth Age. During his 65-year reign, the population of Rohan increased in the valleys and on the plains, and the herds of horses grew as well. At the dawn of the Fourth Age, Rohan was a land of peace and prosperity.
Map of Rohan:
Important Dates: Second Age:
3320 The realm of Gondor is founded. The region of Calenardhon is a province in northwestern Gondor.
Third Age:
c. 1250 The son of King Romendacil II of Gondor marries the daughter of King Vidugavia of the Northmen.
1432 Eldacar - whose mother was of the Northmen - becomes King of Gondor. The civil war of the Kin-strife begins.
1437 Eldacar is overthrown.
1447 Eldacar regains the throne of Gondor and renews ties with the Northmen.
1635-36 The Great Plague kills many of the Northmen as well as many people living in Calenardhon.
1851 The Wainriders invade the lands of the Northmen and attack Gondor.
1856 Marhari of the Northmen joins the forces of Gondor in the Battle of the Plains against the Wainriders. The Northmen are slain, enslaved, or scattered. Afterwards, Marhari's son Marhwini leads a group of survivors to live near the Anduin. They become the Eotheod.
1899 Marhwini and the Eotheod help King Calimehtar of Gondor thwart another invasion by the Wainriders.
1944 The Eotheod again join the fight against the Wainriders. The Wainriders are finally defeated by Earnil of Gondor in the Battle of the Camp.
1977 Frumgar leads the Eotheod north to a new land at the source of the Anduin.
2485 Birth of Eorl.
2501 Death of Eorl's father Leod. Eorl becomes the leader of the Eotheod. He tames the wild horse Felarof, father of the mearas.
2510 March 25: A messenger from Gondor comes seeking the help of Eorl and the Eotheod against an invasion by the Balchoth.
April 6: Eorl and his eohere set out for Gondor. April 15: Eorl and his Riders defeat the Balchoth at the Battle of the Field of Celebrant.
August: Eorl and Cirion meet on Halifirien. Cirion gives the land of Calenardhon - which becomes known as Rohan - to Eorl and his people. Eorl swears an oath to remain an ally of Gondor and to help them in time of need.
2512 Birth of Eorl's son Brego.
2544 Birth of Brego's second son Aldor.
2545 Death of Eorl in battle with the Easterlings. Brego becomes King of Rohan.
2569 The hall of Meduseld is completed.
2570 Brego's son and heir Baldor enters the Paths of the Dead and never returns. Brego dies of grief. Aldor becomes King of Rohan. Birth of Aldor's son Frea.
2594 Birth of Frea's son Freawine.
2619 Birth of Freawine's son Goldwine.
2644 Birth of Goldwine's son Deor.
2645 Death of Aldor. Frea becomes King.
2659 Death of Frea. Freawine becomes King.
2668 Birth of Deor's son Gram.
2680 Death of Freawine. Goldwine becomes King.
2691 Birth of Gram's son Helm.
2699 Death of Goldwine. Deor becomes King.
2710 Deor defeats an army of Dunlendings in the Westfold but discovers that the Dunlendings have captured Isengard.
2718 Death of Deor. Gram becomes King.
2726 Birth of Frealaf, son of Helm's sister Hild.
2741 Death of Gram. Helm becomes King.
2752 Birth of Frealaf's son Brytta.
2754 Helm kills Freca, a man of Rohan with Dunlendish blood.
2758 Freca's son Wulf leads the Dunlendings to invade Rohan. Death of Helm's son Haleth. Helm takes refuge in the stronghold that becomes known as Helm's Deep. The Long Winter begins in November.
2759 Death of Helm's son Hama. Death of Helm. The Long Winter ends in March. Helm's nephew Frealaf retakes Edoras and drives the Dunlendings out of Rohan. Frealaf becomes King. Saruman is given Isengard by the Steward of Gondor.
2780 Birth of Brytta's son Walda.
2798 Death of Frealaf. Brytta becomes King.
2799 Battle of Azanulbizar between the Orcs and Dwarves. Some Orcs flee south to the White Mountains.
2800 Rohan begins to be troubled by Orcs in the White Mountains.
2804 Birth of Walda's son Folca.
2830 Birth of Folca's son Folcwine.
2842 Death of Brytta. Walda becomes King.
2851 Walda is killed by Orcs in the White Mountains. Folca becomes King.
2858 Birth of Folcwine's twin sons Folcred and Fastred.
2864 Folca drives the last Orcs from the White Mountains. He is killed by a boar in the Firien Wood. Folcwine becomes King.
2870 Birth of Folcwine's son Fengel.
2885 Folcwine sends troops to help Gondor stop an invasion by the Haradrim. His sons Folcred and Fastred are killed.
2903 Death of Folcwine. Fengel becomes King.
2905 Birth of Fengel's son Thengel.
2943 Thengel marries Morwen of Lossarnach.
2948 Birth of Thengel's son Theoden.
2953 Death of Fengel. Thengel becomes King.
2963 Birth of Thengel's daughter Theodwyn.
2978 Birth of Theoden's son Theodred. Theoden's wife Elfhild dies in childbirth.
2980 Death of Thengel. Theoden becomes King.
2991 Birth of Eomer, son of Theodwyn and Eomund.
2995 Birth of Eowyn, daughter of Theodwyn and Eomund.
3002 Theodwyn's husband Eomund is killed by Orcs in the Emyn Muil. She dies of grief soon after. Theoden brings their children Eomer and Eowyn to live with him at Meduseld.
3014 Theoden begins to fall under the influence of Grima - a traitor in the service of Saruman.
3018 September 19: Gandalf comes to Edoras and is refused admittance. September 20: Gandalf has an audience with King Theoden and warns him of Saruman's treachery, but Theoden sends him away. Soon afterwards, Saruman begins to act openly in his plan to conquer Rohan. September 23: Gandalf leaves Rohan with Shadowfax.
3019 February 25: Theoden's son Theodred is killed by Saruman's forces at the First Battle of the Fords of Isen. February 26: Eomer learns that a host of Orcs entered Rohan from the East Wall and he suspects an alliance between Mordor and Isengard. Grima convinces Theoden to refuse permission to follow them. February 27: Theoden learns of Theodred's death. Erkenbrand sends a request for reinforcements but Grima advises against it and Theoden follows his advice. Eomer leads his eored in pursuit of the Orcs against King Theoden's orders. February 28: Eomer's eored overtakes the Orcs near Fangorn. February 29: Eomer's eored attacks and defeats the Orcs at sunrise. February 30: Eomer meets Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli and decides to aid them. On his return to Edoras, Eomer is arrested.
March 2: Theoden is freed from Grima's influence by Gandalf and decides to ride to war against Saruman. Saruman's army leaves Isengard. Second Battle of the Fords of Isen. The Ents arrive at Isengard. March 3: Theoden learns of the defeat at the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen. He leads the Rohirrim to Helm's Deep. Battle of Helm's Deep begins. The Ents imprison Saruman and begin the destruction of Isengard. March 4: The Battle of Helm's Deep is won by the Rohirrim at dawn. The Ents flood Isengard. March 5: Theoden and Eomer parley with Saruman at Isengard. March 6: Theoden makes Merry Brandybuck his esquire. The King and his Riders set out for Dunharrow. March 9: The King and his Riders arrive at Dunharrow. A messenger from Gondor comes requesting Rohan's aid in battle. March 10: The Muster of Rohan. An eohere of 6,000 sets out for Gondor. March 12: Orcs enter the Wold after trying to invade Lothlorien. They are defeated by Treebeard and the Ents. March 13: The Rohirrim pass through the Druadan Forest. March 14: Ghan-buri-ghan leads the Rohirrim past the enemy forces. March 15: Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Death of King Theoden. Eomer becomes King of the Mark. Eowyn and Merry slay the Lord of the Nazgul. March 16: Eomer attends the debate of the commanders and agrees to follow Aragorn to the Black Gate. March 18: The Host of the West leaves Minas Tirith. March 20: Eowyn meets Faramir, Steward of Gondor. March 25: The Host of the West battles the forces of the Enemy at the Black Gate until the Ring is destroyed and Sauron's realm falls.
April 8: Eomer attends the celebrations on the Field of Cormallen.
May 1: Eomer attends the coronation of Aragorn. May 8: Eomer and Eowyn return to Rohan to set their land in order.
July 18: Eomer returns to Minas Tirith. July 22: The funeral escort of King Theoden leaves Minas Tirith.
August 7: The funeral escort arrives in Edoras. August 10: Funeral of King Theoden. Eomer announces the betrothal of Eowyn to Faramir of Gondor. August 14: The Fellowship leaves Edoras.
3021 Eomer weds Lothiriel, daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. Eowyn weds Faramir, Steward of Gondor and Prince of Ithilien.
Fourth Age:
63 Merry Brandybuck visits King Eomer in Rohan. King Eomer dies in the autumn. He is succeeded by his son Elfwine.
Names & Etymology:
Calenardhon Calenardhon was the name of the region that became Rohan when it was still a part of Gondor. The name means "The Green Province" from calen meaning "green" and ardh meaning "realm." Unfinished Tales, Index History of Middle-earth, vol. V, entries for 3AR and KAL
Rohan means "horse land" from the Sindarin roch meaning "horse" and the ending -and denoting a country or region. The correct spelling was Rochand or sometimes Rochan since in speech the final d was usually dropped. This was the name used in Gondor, though the Rohirrim sometimes used it as well.
Unfinished Tales, p. 318-9
The Mark of the Riders / The Riddermark / The Mark
The Rohirrim called their own land the Mark of the Riders or the Riddermark or simply the Mark for short. The word Mark is from the Old English mearc meaning "borderland."
Unfinished Tales, p. 306-7
The people of Rohan were called the Rohirrim meaning "horse lords" from the Sindarin roch meaning "horse" and hîr meaning "lord" and the ending rim meaning "great number, host." The proper spelling was actually Rochirrim.
Unfinished Tales, p. 306-7
Éothéod was the name of the ancestors of the Rohirrim and it was also the name of the land at the source of the Anduin where they dwelled. The name Éothéod means "horse people" or "horse land" from the Old English eoh meaning "horse" and théod meaning both "land" and "people."
Unfinished Tales, p. 315
The Rohirrim were sometimes called the Eorlingas, or "people of Eorl," their first King. The ending lingas is a plural of ling, a suffix denoting "belonging to" in Old English. Also spelled Eorlings.
Unfinished Tales, p. 435
The Rohirrim were called Forgoil by the Dunlendings, which meant "strawheads" in their language in reference to the blonde hair of most Rohirrim.
The Two Towers, p. 142
Appendix F of The Lord of the Rings, p. 408
Additional Sources:
Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings: "Gondor and the Heirs of Anarion," p. 326-29, 334-35; "The House of Eorl," passim
Unfinished Tales: "Cirion and Eorl," passim; "The Battles of the Fords of Isen," passim "Nomenclature of The Lord of the Rings," entries for Eastemnet, Fenmarch, and Folde